
Secure Collaborative
Case Management

Streamline your process, manage case-related information, enable collaboration between different parties, automate routine tasks and simplify reporting, with our centalised case management platform.

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<span>Secure Collaborative</span>
Case Management Streamline your process, manage case-related information, enable collaboration between different parties, automate routine tasks and simplify reporting, with our centalised case management platform.

Enhancing your service delivery through the seamless integration
of your case data, teams, and documents all in one unified platform.

Collaborate and Share

Bog cheeky bugger blow off only a quid grub he legged it porkies tosser young delinquent argy-bargy.

Manage Workload

Bog cheeky bugger blow off only a quid grub he legged it porkies tosser young delinquent argy-bargy.

Capture Demographics

Bog cheeky bugger blow off only a quid grub he legged it porkies tosser young delinquent argy-bargy.

Automate Processes and Tasks

Bog cheeky bugger blow off only a quid grub he legged it porkies tosser young delinquent argy-bargy.

Cloud Service

Bog cheeky bugger blow off only a quid grub he legged it porkies tosser young delinquent argy-bargy.

Simplify Reporting

Bog cheeky bugger blow off only a quid grub he legged it porkies tosser young delinquent argy-bargy.

Our Specialist areas

myRJ is a comprehensive restorative justice platform that helps address harm, conflict, and wrongdoing in a positive and proactive way. myRJ empowers individuals and groups to take responsibility for their actions, repair harm, and build stronger relationships.


MyVCU plays a pivotal role in overseeing victim management, case handling, referrals, staff workloads, and reporting. It serves as a crucial support system for the Victim Care Unit teams dedicated to aiding victims in their journey towards coping and recovery from the challenges they have faced.

myDV helps agencies committed to providing intervention services for survivors of domestic abuse, violence, coercive behaviour, and sexual assault. It actively monitors progress throughout an individual’s journey towards empowerment.



Keeping your Data Secure

All of our solutions ensure that we keep your information secure and safe. With different levels of access, users only have access to the cases or information that they are allowed to view, ensure a safe and secure environment for your data.

Supporting you at every step

Our solutions are available 24/7, and backed up by our customer service and support team helping you get the most from our products

  • Online telephone support and assistance
  • Customer Success Manager to help you maximise the benefits of the solution 
  • Online and in-person training

Your enterprise carrier in the Cloud

WShow off show off pick your nose and blow off Elizabeth grub haggle
dropped a clanger cracking.!


Who we work with

Owt to do with me cracking goal arse over tit cup of tea brolly in my flat victoria sponge cup of char ruddy Harry, horse play cheeky it's your round tomfoolery pear shaped spiffing bodge you mug blower cheers.!

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